Kispiox Headstart COVID-19 Policies

Culture and Language

The culture and language component allows our children to experience their cultures and learn their languages. Activities give children a sense of belonging and an identity as a First Nations person.


The education component promotes life-long learning with activities that encourage a child’s readiness to learn. Activities also focus on the physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual and social development needs of children. Community members, including Elders, are involved in helping with early literacy activities, such as printing and recognizing sounds and words.

Health Promotion

The health promotion component encourages children and families to have a healthy lifestyle. Programming promotes physical activity, such as playground activities and traditional games. Staff promote self-care, such as helping children to brush their teeth, and encourage appropriate assessments for children (for example, vision and hearing testing).


Nutrition is an important part of healthy living. Good food can improve an individual’s health and poor or inadequate food can undermine health. Good eating habits established early can lead to better health throughout life.

Visitors to the Program

We would like all family to know that these changes are only temporary and that we will return to our open-door policies.

Under normal circumstances we welcome families and other visitors into our program. During pandemic circumstances our visitor policy is intended to keep children, families and staff safe by limiting access to the program during the pandemic with the goal of limiting risk and spread of the virus. Our program is putting the following policy and procedures in place.


Visitors to the Program

  • We request that only one adult at a time pick-up or drop-off your child
  • Families who would like to stay to support anxious children are asked to contact the manager beforehand to make a temporary care plan
  • For the health and safety of Elders and Knowledge Keepers the program will invite them to join online only for now
  • No other visitors (except community professionals who support children with extra needs), volunteers or practicum students will be invited into the program at this time