Kispiox Headstart COVID-19 Policies

Culture and Language

The culture and language component allows our children to experience their cultures and learn their languages. Activities give children a sense of belonging and an identity as a First Nations person.


The education component promotes life-long learning with activities that encourage a child’s readiness to learn. Activities also focus on the physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual and social development needs of children. Community members, including Elders, are involved in helping with early literacy activities, such as printing and recognizing sounds and words.

Health Promotion

The health promotion component encourages children and families to have a healthy lifestyle. Programming promotes physical activity, such as playground activities and traditional games. Staff promote self-care, such as helping children to brush their teeth, and encourage appropriate assessments for children (for example, vision and hearing testing).


Nutrition is an important part of healthy living. Good food can improve an individual’s health and poor or inadequate food can undermine health. Good eating habits established early can lead to better health throughout life.

Child Health Policy


In order to ensure staff and families stay healthy and safe, the program will follow public health recommendations specific to limiting the spread of COVID-19.


The BC Centre for Disease Control and Ministry of Health recommend that if a child has displayed any of the below symptoms within the last 24 hours, they must stay home, be assessed by their primary health care provider or the parent/caregiver calls 8-1-1 and if recommended, be tested for COVID-19.

Staff and families will need to follow the direction of public health officials to determine when it is safe to return to the program.

Common COVID-19, cold/flu symptoms include:

  • Temperature of 7°F / 37.6°C (under the arm) or higher
  • Chills
  • Cough or worsening of chronic cough
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Runny nose
  • Sinus congestion
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of sense of smell or taste

COVID-19 Child Health Procedures

If a child develops any COVID-19, cold/flu symptoms at home the family must:

  • Keep the child at home
  • Contact a primary health care provider or call 8-1-1
  • Follow the recommendations of a health care provider
  • Obtain COVID-19 testing if it is recommended by a health care provider


If a child develops any COVID-19, cold/flu symptoms while at the centre:

While this policy applies to COVID-19 remind families that they must inform the program of any communicable diseases that their child contracts according to the Ministry of Health. If a child develops any of the above COVID-19 or other cold/flu symptoms while at the program, staff will follow guidance from public health:

  • Move child to a wellness space, where they will be cared for by a designated staff member until they are picked up by a parent/guardian
    • Minimize physical contact with the child if possible and wash hands frequently
    • Staff can use a mask, if available and tolerated
    • Provide child with care and support needed to practice respiratory hygiene (verbal support and tissues)
    • Open windows or doors to increase air flow
  • Call family and (using supportive language) ask them to pick up their child immediately
    • When family arrives to pick-up their child, instruct them to follow up with primary health care provider or call 8-1-1
    • If instructed to get a COVID-19 test remind them to indicate that their child attends a group child care setting
  • Manager will inform all staff to take necessary steps to minimize exposure
    • Clean and disinfect the wellness space after the child has been picked-up
    • Ensure that play areas, toys, bedding, etc. are cleaned and disinfected
  • Manager will contact Licensing

If a child has been confirmed as having COVID-19

  • The program will work with and follow the direction of public health
  • Ensure to keep licensing officer up-to-date on status of presumptive or confirmed COVID-19 cases
  • Families will be informed of potential exposure, measures required to ensure health, and next steps