Child Health Policy
In order to ensure staff and families stay healthy and safe, the program will follow public health recommendations specific to limiting the spread of COVID-19.
The BC Centre for Disease Control and Ministry of Health recommend that if a child has displayed any of the below symptoms within the last 24 hours, they must stay home, be assessed by their primary health care provider or the parent/caregiver calls 8-1-1 and if recommended, be tested for COVID-19.
Staff and families will need to follow the direction of public health officials to determine when it is safe to return to the program.
Common COVID-19, cold/flu symptoms include:
- Temperature of 7°F / 37.6°C (under the arm) or higher
- Chills
- Cough or worsening of chronic cough
- Sore throat
- Shortness of breath
- Muscle aches
- Fatigue
- Runny nose
- Sinus congestion
- Headache
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Loss of sense of smell or taste
COVID-19 Child Health Procedures
If a child develops any COVID-19, cold/flu symptoms at home the family must:
- Keep the child at home
- Contact a primary health care provider or call 8-1-1
- Follow the recommendations of a health care provider
- Obtain COVID-19 testing if it is recommended by a health care provider
If a child develops any COVID-19, cold/flu symptoms while at the centre:
While this policy applies to COVID-19 remind families that they must inform the program of any communicable diseases that their child contracts according to the Ministry of Health. If a child develops any of the above COVID-19 or other cold/flu symptoms while at the program, staff will follow guidance from public health:
- Move child to a wellness space, where they will be cared for by a designated staff member until they are picked up by a parent/guardian
- Minimize physical contact with the child if possible and wash hands frequently
- Staff can use a mask, if available and tolerated
- Provide child with care and support needed to practice respiratory hygiene (verbal support and tissues)
- Open windows or doors to increase air flow
- Call family and (using supportive language) ask them to pick up their child immediately
- When family arrives to pick-up their child, instruct them to follow up with primary health care provider or call 8-1-1
- If instructed to get a COVID-19 test remind them to indicate that their child attends a group child care setting
- Manager will inform all staff to take necessary steps to minimize exposure
- Clean and disinfect the wellness space after the child has been picked-up
- Ensure that play areas, toys, bedding, etc. are cleaned and disinfected
- Manager will contact Licensing
If a child has been confirmed as having COVID-19
- The program will work with and follow the direction of public health
- Ensure to keep licensing officer up-to-date on status of presumptive or confirmed COVID-19 cases
- Families will be informed of potential exposure, measures required to ensure health, and next steps